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Embrace coaching in your leadership style: 5 coaching tips for leaders

As a leader, you know the importance of setting direction, inspiring others, and achieving results. It’s crucial to your role, your effectiveness, and your success. But perhaps you’re struggling to find the right solution, or struggling to implement and measure initiatives effectively. You aren’t alone.

We believe that coaching is the perfect solution to help you achieve your individual and team goals. Coaching is not just about fixing problems, it’s about building on strengths, identifying growth opportunities, and creating a supportive environment where everyone can thrive.

Coaching works for leaders and employees because it creates a continuous learning and development culture. When used effectively, it can have a significant impact on performance, engagement, and overall business results.

You’ve likely heard it before, that leaders should have ‘coaching skills’ or that you need to create ‘a coaching culture’ in your organisation. It’s a hot topic, but amongst all the buzzwords, what does this actually mean? How does this look? and what are the tangible steps that you can take to actually achieve this?

Here are five coaching tips to help you embrace coaching in your leadership style:

Set effective goals

Coaching is most effective when there is a clear goal or outcome in mind. Take the time to define what your employees want to achieve. Ensure that their goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Engage your team members in the goal-setting process, so they have ownership and accountability for the outcome. Create space and time to revisit their goals regularly to ensure that it is still relevant and make adjustments as necessary.

The art of listening

Listening is a critical skill for effective coaching and effective leadership. Active listening involves paying attention, seeking to understand, and showing empathy. When having conversations with your team, make sure you give them your full attention, avoid distractions, and maintain eye contact. Clarify what you hear by summarising, paraphrasing, or asking questions. Use open-ended questions to encourage reflection and deeper understanding.

Asking powerful questions

Asking powerful questions is an effective coaching technique that helps your employees gain new insights, explore possibilities, and identify solutions. Powerful questions are open-ended, thought-provoking, and focused on the individual’s goals and needs. Avoid asking leading questions or those that have a yes or no answer. Examples of powerful questions include: “What would you do if you had all the resources you needed?” “What would success look like for you?” and “What are your options, and what are the pros and cons of each?”

Silence is golden

Silence is a powerful tool that can help your team reflect. It’s during this pause, they are able to process their thoughts and come up with their own solutions. Use silence after asking a question or when your employee is expressing a particularly challenging issue. Avoid the urge to fill in the silence with advice, opinions, or solutions. Give indidviuals space to think and reflect.

Evaluating impact

Coaching and growth is an ongoing process that requires regular evaluation and adjustment. Take time to reflect on your coaching conversations and assess the impact they have had on your teams’ performance and development. Ask your employees for feedback on your leadership style and use this feedback to improve, evolve and grow. Celebrate successes together, recognise progress, and identify further opportunities for improvement and growth.

Caching is a powerful leadership tool that can have a significant impact on performance, engagement, and business results. Embracing coaching in your leadership style requires goal-setting, active listening, powerful questioning, comfortable silences, and regular evaluation. By embracing these coaching tips in your leadership style, you can unlock the potential of your team and achieve greater success.