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Is assumption destroying employee engagement?

After a decade immersed in the world of HR and nearly two years delving into the coaching realm, I’ve come face-to-face with a truth that hits close to home: the delicate dance between keeping employees engaged and maximising productivity. It’s not just about having the right talent or resources; it’s about navigating through something I’ve come to call the Assumption trap.

Let’s be real—assumptions sneak into our lives daily, becoming almost second nature. We assume we know what others are thinking, feeling, or intending. These assumptions quietly influence how we see the world, shaping our interactions and guiding our choices. But here’s the kicker: they’re often built on shaky ground, relying on incomplete or downright incorrect information.

So, why is assumption such a big deal, especially in teams?

Well, at their core, assumptions are a byproduct of our innate desire to make sense of uncertainty by filling in the gaps with our own interpretations and biases. They’re like a Band-Aid for our brains, offering a quick fix but causing long-term damage. In the workplace, they can lead to misunderstandings, erode trust, and stifle collaboration.

But fear not! There’s a way out of this tangled web of assumptions, and it starts with embracing something I’m truly passionate about: a coaching culture.

Picture this:

  1. A SAFE SPACE: A workplace where open dialogue reigns supreme, where employees and leaders feel safe sharing their thoughts and questions without fear of judgment. This culture of open communication acts as a spotlight, illuminating hidden assumptions and paving the way for genuine understanding and teamwork.
  2. LESS MEETINGS, MORE IMPACT: And let’s not forget about cutting the waffle—because who has time for unnecessary chatter? By streamlining discussions with clear agendas and purpose-driven follow-ups, leaders can make meetings not only shorter but also more impactful. It’s amazing what can be accomplished when everyone’s on the same page.
  3. DRIVING CURIOSITY (and therefore success!): We’re not stopping there. A coaching culture is all about continuous improvement, constantly seeking out ways to grow and evolve. Through ongoing feedback, reflection, and experimentation, teams can break free from the assumption trap and chart a course toward lasting success.

If you’re looking to explore ways to create a coaching culture in your team – we’d love love to help make it possible. Get in touch today to find out how.