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Home » When ‘picture perfect’ isn’t enough: overcoming feelings of unfulfillment

When ‘picture perfect’ isn’t enough: overcoming feelings of unfulfillment

From the outside, everything is perfect. You’ve got a great job, a loving family, good health, and success. But deep down, something feels off. There’s a constant nagging that something is missing. You feel guilty for not being content. After all, shouldn’t you be grateful for everything you have?

Sometimes, ‘picture perfect’ just isn’t enough.

If this sounds familiar, know that you’re not alone. Your feelings are valid and probably more common than you think. At TTM, we encourage all of our coachees to confront their feelings head-on – we know this can be a challenge, and suppressing them feels like the easier option, but you’ll thank us one day!

In this blog, we will cover a few ways you can overcome feelings of unfulfillment and get you feeling ‘whole again,’ as Atomic Kitten would say.

Realign with your passions.

One of the most common causes of unfulfilment we see with our coachees is a disconnect from their passions. Ask yourself, what do I enjoy? What sets my soul on fire? Where do I get a deep sense of satisfaction? What do I care about deeply? Often, the busy tasks of day-to-day life keep us from exploring our values and interests. Realigning with your passions can help you find a deeper sense of purpose and satisfaction.

Set meaningful goals.

We don’t know about you, but goal setting is something we would avoid at any cost. Having goals and targets at work felt like enough pressure, but in our personal lives too? No thanks. However, If we never set goals, how do we know that we’ve progressed or improved? It’s important to take time to reflect on how far you have already come and the goals you once set for yourself, you’ve likely achieved and are living them now. Goals don’t have to be scary. Your personal goals should resonate with your inner desires rather than societal expectations. Whether it’s learning a new skill, volunteering more, or starting a new creative project (crochet, anyone?), having goals that align with your values can be incredibly rewarding.

Embrace change and let go of perfection.

Sometimes we find that our coachees are clinging to an ideal version of themselves that may no longer serve them or align with who they’re meant to be. Can you remember what and who you wanted to be as a child? We can guess that the ideal version of you that you envisaged growing up, no longer serves who you are today. Embracing change means accepting that our goals and desires can evolve as we grow, and that’s perfectly okay! Allow yourself the grace to be imperfect and to evolve.

Remember, it’s all a journey!

These feelings won’t disappear overnight. Be patient with yourself and take it one day at a time. The journey IS the destination.